Reginald McGinnis received his Ph.D. in French from Stanford University. He is the author of La prostitution sacrée: essai sur Baudelaire (Belin 1994), Essai sur l'origine de la mystification (Presses Universitaires de Vincennes 2009), and co-author, with John Vignaux Smyth, of Mock Ritual in the Modern Era (Oxford University Press 2022). He is also editor of Originality and Intellectual Property in the French and English Enlightenment (Routledge 2008), co-editor, with Fayçal Falaky, of Modes of Play in Eighteenth-Century France (Bucknell University Press 2021), and co-guest editor of special issues of the Western Humanities Review on Borders (2006), The Relevance of the Humanities (2008), Nature, Culture, Technology (2009), Engagements (2010) and Economics and the Humanities (2011). His articles have appeared in Romanic Review, PO&SIE, L'Atelier du Roman, Alea, Eighteenth-Century Music, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, French Studies, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, and Études théologiques et religieuses.
Dr. Mcginnis is the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) for the department.