PhD, University of Pennsylvania (2012). Dr. Lucy Swanson is Associate Professor of French and Caribbean Studies. Her research examines how historical narratives and political discourse are reflected in recent francophone literary and visual culture, particularly that of Haiti and the French Antilles. Dr. Swanson’s articles have appeared in Cincinnati Romance Review, International Journal of Francophone Studies, and SITES: Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. She is the author of The Zombie in Contemporary French Caribbean Fiction (Liverpool University Press, forthcoming March 2023), which explores how contemporary writers and artists reinvent the iconic folkloric figure. Listen to her speak about her book here: https://newbooksnetwork.com/the-zombie-in-contemporary-french-caribbean-fiction.
Recent Publications
Articles and Chapters
“(Re-)Framing the Midwife: Female Resistance and Discursive Agency in Évelyne Trouillot’s Rosalie l’infâme,” Journal of Haitian Studies 28, no. 2, Fall 2022: 142-165.
“Magical Thinking in Chamoiseau’s Chemin-d’école: From Quimbois to the Mission civilisatrice,” Small Axe 63 (vol. 24, no. 3), November 2020: pp. 16–30.
‘“La Sorcellerie du savoir-faire technologique’: Sorcery and Knowledge in Kourouma’s Monnè, outrages et défis (1990).” Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: SITES 20.4-5, 2016: pp. 632-639.
“De retour d’entre les morts (encore). [Back from the Dead (Again): Zombies and the Spatial Imaginary in Contemporary Haitian Fiction].” In Z pour Zombies, eds. Samuel Archibald, Antonio Dominguez Leiva and Bernard Perron. Montreal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2015: pp. 101-113.
“Blankness, Alienation, and the Zombie in Recent Francophone Fiction.” International Journal of Francophone Studies 17.2 (June 2014): pp. 177-197.
“Digging Up the (Living) Dead: The Roots of Antillanité and Créolité.” In Antillanité, créolité, littérature monde. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013: pp. 137-147.
“Zombie Nation?: The Horde, Social Uprisings and National Narratives.” Cincinnati Romance Review 34 (Fall 2012): n.p. http://www.cromrev.com/volumes/vol34/002-vol34-swanson.pdf