I did my undergraduate studies in France and Germany, received my MA from Freie Univesitat Berlin in 1979 (German, French, & English) and my Ph.D. in French from the University of Iowa in 1986. After teaching French in a research university setting for nearly three decades and enjoying it tremendously (being around students keeps you young!), I retired in 2021 and I am now officially Professor Emerita.
I'm still active in research, however. My main area of scholarship and research is Nineteenth-Century French Studies, but I published a book and taught in the Humanities Seminars Program in 2022. I am currently working on a project on anti-Semitism in France.
When I'm not working, I enjoy reading, cooking, gardening (or trying to do so in Arizona!). I also love continuing to discover the Southwest, hiking and traveling in the US and Europe.
Books In Print:
- Le Romantisme aux enchères: Ducange, Pixerécourt, Hugo. Purdue Univ. Monographs in Romance Languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1992. Pp. viii, 225.
- French Cultural Studies: Criticism at the Crossroads. Ed. Marie-Pierre Le Hir and Dana Strand. State University of New York UP: 2000.
- The National Habitus: Ways of Feeling French, 1789-1871. Berlin/Bozton: Walter de Gruyter, 2014. Paperback 2017.
- French Immigrants and Pioneers in the Making of America. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022.