Although I am neither using my French nor my knowledge of Political Science directly, the fundamental skills I learned through obtaining my Liberal Arts degree and by being a part of the College of Humanities are central to my career. I work for HMH, self-described as "The Learning Company," creating curriculum to help students develop literacy and foster curiosity in their learning endeavors. My own academic curiosity was carefully nurtured during my time in the College of Humanities, and I find this to be a tremendous asset in helping me succeed at my job. Additionally, skills core to Liberal Arts and the Humanities such as doing research, writing well, and thinking creatively and analytically are invaluable to me. Finally, the current project I'm working on is a program to support English Language Learners, so having learned a second (and third) language myself helps me better understand the challenges of learning a new language and tailor instruction to be most effective for my audience.