Where Language Education Meets Entertainment
3:30 to 5 p.m., March 21, 2024
Attention, étudiants de français 101 and 102!
Ready to dive into fun quizzes, a spelling bee, and tongue twisters? Got a hidden talent you're itching to showcase in French? Step into the spotlight!
Join us on Thursday, March 21st for the first ever French Fun Show Géant!
This is an excellent opportunity for students in FREN 101 and 102 to showcase their French language skills by participating in trivia and quizzes, competitive games, a French spelling bee, and a talent show. Participants will have chances to win fun prizes, including stickers, certificates of excellence and gift cards!
Your snack cravings are covered - come hungry for fun!
Interested in participating? Scan the QR code in the flyer or reach out to show organizer, Charity Owusu Ansah at owusuansah@arizona.edu.
All levels of French are invited to come and watch too. We hope to see you there!
