Dr. Fabian Alfie participates in podcast series, Canto Per Canto: Conversations with Dante in Our Time

Sept. 8, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Fabian Alfie, who recently participated in a podcast series, Canto Per Canto: Conversations with Dante in Our Time, sponsored by The Dante Society of America (https://www.dantesociety.org/education-and-…/canto-per-canto). The first installment of the series, which was just released, was a conversation between Dr. Fabian Alfie and Dr. Mary Watt (University of Florida).  

The conversation is entitled Inferno 26: Hey Sailor—Distraction and Seduction on the Wine-Dark Sea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fi7BUv0USM&feature=youtu.be.