Students will complete their coursework for this option by choosing 7 courses from the core course options (21 units) and 3 courses from the electives (9 units) as listed below. Substitutions may be allowed, subject to approval by DGS. Up to 3 thesis units of FREN 910 may count toward the 30 units required. Thesis units (FREN 910) may not be combined with Internship units (FREN 593) or Independant Studies units (FREN 599), but they may be taken in addition.
French and Francophone Studies
Courses are taught in French unless cross-listed or otherwise indicated.
Part 1
Core Requirements
FREN 550 French Cultural & Literary History: Early Modern France
FREN 551 French Cultural & Literary History: Revolution to World War II (1789-1939)
FREN 540 Topics in French Literature
FREN 542 French Narratives and Film
FREN 543 Contemporary Francophone Literature and Cinema
FREN 544 Topics in French Culture
FREN 545 Francophone Cultures and Traditions
FREN 547 Topics in Francophone Studies
FREN 552 French Cultural & Literary History: Contemporary Franco (20th-21st)
FREN 553 Literature in Context: Focus on a Historical Period
FREN 554 Critical Theory and French-Speaking World
FREN 555 French and Francophone Cinema
FREN 556 Topics in the Maghreb and the Near East- Peoples and Cultures
FREN 557 Topics in Sub-Saharan Africa- Peoples and Cultures
FREN 558 Topics in the Francophone Caribbean- Peoples and Cultures
Part 2
Core Requirements
FREN 532 French Translation
FREN 525 Paris: Capsule/Capital of French Cultural History
FREN 533 Business French 1
FREN 532 Business French 2
FREN 559 Talk-it-OUT! Theatre for Social Justice
FREN 561 French Linguistics
FREN 562 Linguistics and the Study of Literature
FREN 567 Topics in French Linguistics
FREN 563 Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation
FREN 573 Semiotics and Language
FREN 574 Conceptualizing, Designing, and Directing Foreign Language Programs
FREN 578 Multiliteracies in L2/FL Classroom: Theory, Research, and Practice
FREN 579 Issues/Methods in Post-Second Foreign Language Teaching/Learning (Required for GATS)
FREN 581 Technology and Foreign Language Learning
FREN 583 Materials Design
FREN 584 Second/Foreign Language Learning and the Web
FREN 586 Language Learning In Study Abroad Context
FREN 593 Internship (1-3 units)
FREN 599 Independent Study (1-3 units)
FREN 910 Thesis (up to 3 units)
Students may also select one or two electives from outside the French department in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies. These courses must relate to the candidate's program of study and future career plans. Options include Anthropology, History, Middle Eastern and North African Studies, Latin American Studies, and Gender and Women's Studies.
See Degree Requirements for detailed information about completing your Masters in French and Francophone Studies.

French 553 students at the Laura Volkerding Study Center, Center for Creative Photography