4:30 p.m., March 14, 2022
Talk-it-OUT! Forum Theatre for Social Justice explores the ways in which theatre performance/performance activism can be used to bring awareness of and promote social change around questions of social justice (race, gender, age, sexuality, religion, nationality, education, (dis)ability and bodymind, etc.). Throughout the academic year, Talk-it-OUT! meet with different social groups (UA International Students, UA African American Students, UA LGBTQ+ students, Human Borders, International Rescue Committee, YMCAs, Retirement Homes, etc.) to discuss the social challenges these specific groups have to face in our society. Each discussion leads to the creation of a short play or a set of skits. Talk-it-OUT! members later perform in front of the social groups and in local high schools. They engage in a meaningful dialogue with the community through three interactive theatre tools: Forum Theatre, Image Theatre, and Playback Theatre. This event, co-sponsored by the Institute for LGBT Studies, will be a conversation between LGBTQ+ students, faculty members, and Talk-it-OUT! participants.
Register at tinyurl.com/TalkItOut22
For accessibility requests, please email smaaske@email.arizona.edu