Talk-it-OUT! Interactive Theatre presents:
"It's All About Community: An Evening with Iskashitaa Refugee Network"
This community outreach program is open to the general public. A potluck dinner (bring a dish, dessert, or soft drink!) will be followed by guest speakers from the Iskashitaa Refugee Network (IRN). UA students will show documentary films starring refugees and students in the Talk-it-OUT! theatre program workshop will present skits. Join us in person or on Zoom from 6:00-9:00pm!
Talk-it-OUT! is an inquiry-based theatre workshop program that teaches students how to use interactive theatre performance to foster discussion and enhance the community's awareness of social justice issues.
Iskashitaa Refugee Network is an intergenerational network of volunteers and UN refugees who locate, harvest, and redistribute local produce which would otherwise go to waste. IRN creates opportunities to integrate UN refugees into the Southern Arizona community while educating the public, strengthening the local food system, reducing local food waste, and increasing food security.
For more information contact Professor Aurelia Mouzet at
Zoom Info:
Zoom Meeting ID: 828 1005 7302