Course Schedule
FREN 498 – Senior Capstone
The senior capstone is designed to offer majors the opportunity to synthesize learning accumulated in the major and to demonstrate that they have met the Major program's stated learning outcomes in Communications, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, and Communities. Students will learn how to show and tell their story for professional advancement. In addition, students will participate in workshops that are intended to create a bridge between your senior year and life post-college, such as CV/Resume work, graduate application review, gap year planning, panel of past majors, networking, etc).
The senior capstone is designed to offer majors the opportunity to synthesize learning accumulated in the major and to demonstrate that they have met the Major program's stated learning outcomes in Communications, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, and Communities. Students will learn how to show and tell their story for professional advancement. In addition, students will participate in workshops that are intended to create a bridge between your senior year and life post-college, such as CV/Resume work, graduate application review, gap year planning, panel of past majors, networking, etc).
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- Section: 101
- Instructor: Coropceanu, Lilia Lacusta
- Days:
- Time:
- Dates: Aug 25 - Dec 10
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 0 / 25
FREN 498H – Honors Thesis
Honors Course · Writing Emphasis Course
An honors thesis is required of all the students graduating with honors. Students ordinarily sign up for this course as a two-semester sequence. The first semester the student performs research under the supervision of a faculty member; the second semester the student writes an honors thesis.
An honors thesis is required of all the students graduating with honors. Students ordinarily sign up for this course as a two-semester sequence. The first semester the student performs research under the supervision of a faculty member; the second semester the student writes an honors thesis.
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- Section: 001
- Instructor: Coropceanu, Lilia Lacusta
- Days:
- Time:
- Dates: Aug 25 - Dec 10
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 0 / 25
FREN 498 – Senior Capstone
The senior capstone is designed to offer majors the opportunity to synthesize learning accumulated in the major and to demonstrate that they have met the Major program's stated learning outcomes in Communications, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, and Communities. Students will learn how to show and tell their story for professional advancement. In addition, students will participate in workshops that are intended to create a bridge between your senior year and life post-college, such as CV/Resume work, graduate application review, gap year planning, panel of past majors, networking, etc).
The senior capstone is designed to offer majors the opportunity to synthesize learning accumulated in the major and to demonstrate that they have met the Major program's stated learning outcomes in Communications, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, and Communities. Students will learn how to show and tell their story for professional advancement. In addition, students will participate in workshops that are intended to create a bridge between your senior year and life post-college, such as CV/Resume work, graduate application review, gap year planning, panel of past majors, networking, etc).
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- Section: 101
- Instructor: Coropceanu, Lilia Lacusta
- Days:
- Time:
- Dates: Jan 15 - May 7
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 15 / 25
FREN 498H – Honors Thesis
Honors Course · Writing Emphasis Course
An honors thesis is required of all the students graduating with honors. Students ordinarily sign up for this course as a two-semester sequence. The first semester the student performs research under the supervision of a faculty member; the second semester the student writes an honors thesis.
An honors thesis is required of all the students graduating with honors. Students ordinarily sign up for this course as a two-semester sequence. The first semester the student performs research under the supervision of a faculty member; the second semester the student writes an honors thesis.
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- Section: 001
- Instructor: Knisely, Kris
- Days:
- Time:
- Dates: Jan 15 - May 7
- Status: Closed
- Enrollment: 0 / 0